“Trust Your Intuition” by Hazel Butterworth
1 – Why is intuition our First Sense?
People often refer to intuition as our 6th sense, it is something in addition to our five physical senses.
I refer to it as our First Sense as it already exists within us.
Intuition is the ability to connect and communicate with Infinite Intelligence and Pure Consciousness, it is innate within us and resides within our Soul Spark, (that part of us that is part of Source itself) hence it is our FIRST SENSE. We were born with this inner knowing of truth and the ability to stay connected to Source. We are already aware and able to read the vibrations within and around us.
Intuition is infinite supply of wisdom, possibilities, potential, creativity, knowledge, and inspiration, that is available to you all the time, especially when you have a strong connection between your Soul and Source/Universe/Divine intelligence/God, whichever term you are comfortable using. Awareness is key to the effectiveness of your own intuition. Tuning into this wisdom is an option.
Intuition is your own Personal Inner Guidance System. It is your SOUL SPARK communicating with the subconscious and superconscious to give you clues consciously, to help you stay true to your purpose/mission. Being able to read the signs and clues is one thing, taking action is your choice.
Intuition is the part of you, that knows your truth and is aware of your blueprint, or map, of why you are here and what your purpose/mission is in this lifetime. It is your TRUE SELF your Authentic Self, the pure true you, your Soul Self. It is the part of you that knows everything about you and who you are meant to be in this lifetime. Follow your intuition and learn to trust your intuition,
Intuition is the ability to know something without understanding the logic of it. It is a form of unconscious intelligence that is always available. Because we are born with FREE WILL, we have the option to make choices for ourselves. These choices are driven either by EGO or by Soul.
Ego is the logical rational mind – Soul is the intuitive all knowing awareness. (pure conscious awareness) Trusting intuition is making choices that feel right, even when logic says no.
Intuition is energetic, it is vibrational. It is the ability to recognize if the vibration of the moment is aligned with Truth, Love, and Authenticity. If it is aligned, it feels good, if not you sense a discord or disharmony on some level of your being or physical body. Trust your gut instincts, it will always steer you for your highest good. Intuition can show up in many forms of communication.
2 How can we see intuitively?
After we are born, we perceive and learn about the 3D physical world through our five physical sensory awareness gifts of taste, touch, smell, hearing, and seeing. We learn as we grow. We also have the potential to perceive the nonphysical invisible world through the gifts of our Clairs- a heightened energetic expanded sensory awareness or extra sensory perception ESP. Because we learn about this later in life, we refer to it as our 6th sense, an addition to our regular physical senses.
We can see intuitively through our clairs…. A heightened sense of energetic awareness that is beyond the physical. Consider intuition as the innate ability to communicate with your Soul and source to know the truth, and the clairs as additional tools available to help you, just like Angels, and Spirits can be guides to assist you. Intuition can be present through the clairs as a validation process.
Clairaudience (clear hearing), Clairvoyance (clear seeing), Claircognizance (clear knowing), Clairaugustus (clear tasting), Clairsentience (clear feeling), Clairaliance (clear smelling), Clairempathy (clear emotions) and Clairtangency (clear touch know as psychometry)
We can SEE with the Minds EYE, the 3rd eye
We can have a vision, idea, or inspiration come through to help you to see a solution, it may show as an image or simply an awareness. When we dream our eyes are closed and we see with our MIND eye, when we are awake we see with our physical eyes. When we meditate we see with our mind eye.
We can see and communicate intuitively (with conscious awareness) be being able to intepret our thoughts, emotions, sensory awareness of energy vibrations. We pick up the vibes that speak to us.
We can see intuitively through the MIRROR of LIFE… see what life is reflecting back to you.
life is always showing aspects of yourself, these are clues and messages. What are you sensing about a person? Eg if a person is saying something but you get an ill feeling, your intuitionis talking to your to pay attention. What is it about this person or situation? What is your intuition trying to convey to you? Pay attention, look, listen, OBSERVE.
We can see intuitively through introspection, awareness and understanding of ones own mental and emotional state of being. .. awareness of how we feel, what we currently understand about ourselves and the outside world, and how we are responding or reacting to life.
We can see intuitively by Meditating, by being curious, asking questions, observing, contemplating, reflecting and exploring meditation will help you to discover more about who you are and who you are becoming. Conversations with your higher self, or Soul Self can reveal so much. Tuning into your sensory awareness and allowing the messages and soul guidance to come through.
3 Where can we feel intuitively?
Feeling the vibes of truth.
Everything is vibrational energy in motion. We sense these vibrations in many ways. It could be an awareness, like a sudden sense of curiosity to question something, or the urge to pause and check in with our higher self. It could be a physical sensation, like a sudden shiver through the body, or a feeling of off balance.
Intuition shows up in many ways. It is a sense that something feels right or does not feel right to you. It could be about a situation, a person, something that is being said, a decision you are making, an idea, a statement.
Each person can experience truth differently, the most common ways to feel intuitively are
Gut instincts, butterflies, or angry bees in the stomach, excitement or fear.
Truth bumps show up on the skin that look like goosebumps
Hairs on arms stand up on ends
A sudden shiver or sense of fear, anxiety, or apprehension, that makes us feel out of sorts.
Freeze- Feel like you just stopped in your tracks, maybe your eyes stare or hold their gaze
Feels like an alarm or red flag grabbing your attention.
A sudden change in temperature
An awareness of a presence beside you
Sensing heat on a shoulder or a part of your body
Picking something up physically and not wanting to hold it or being drawn to physically touch something.
When you begin to sense these sudden reactions in the body, or have an awareness that something does not align or add up, or something simply makes you be more curious to ask questions, pay attention. What is happening in that moment, where are you, who are you with, what are you doing, what is being said, what are you feeling, what are you experiencing and sensing?
We can see intuitively through our Head, Heart and Hara centres, these are our thinking, feeling and action centers
TUNE into Head, Heart, Hara, be aware of what you are thinking, feeling and what your gut intsincts are telling you.
What is your intuition sensing?
4 How can we receive intuitive guidance?
We can receive guidance in many ways, Subconsciously or consciously.
I refer to this communication as SOUL WHISPERS, In the stillness we can hear our SOUL WHISPERS
when we quieten our minds and tune into our hearts and souls, we can experience the gentleness and loving vibrations of our soul self. Tune into your inner wisdom so you can live your life on purpose with purpose, easily and effortlessly, through synchronicity. Allow your intuition to guide you and trust your intuition implicitly.
Consciously we can go within and communicate with our higher selves
Or I call it “go direct to source”
We can meditate, journal, or engage in introspection and reflection.
We can ask ourselves questions, or ask our Soul for insights and messages.
We can ask to be shown our truth, ideas, and solutions.
We can ask for guidance and surrender to allow the answers to flow.
We can communicate with any part of our body or aspect of our being.
We can connect with ourselves in any lifetime, past or present., to receive guidance or inspiration.
Active listening when we speak, hear and feel the words we speak in our mind and from out mouth
PRESENCE< be present in the moment. Be aware of your thoughts, emotions, actions, as well as all your sensory awareness and perceptions. What are you preceiving or aware of in this moment.
Observe yourself and others,
We can invite our guides and Angels to be with us and help steer us for our highest good.
We can connect with past loved ones for guidance and maybe have conversations we did not have when they were alive. Now they are in a place of Pure love compassion and understanding, free of judgment, anger, resentment, or criticism, so these Soul conversations will be informative.
Subconsciously we are receiving messages intuitively all the time, we are just not aware of them.
We are not able to recognize what life is showing us, what our Soul is trying to communicate to us.
It is our responsibility to expand our self awareness and be able to recognize for ourselves consciously what our Soul guidance is communicating to us.
Be on the lookout for intuition communicating to you in one or some of the following ways.
Repeating patterns or repeating words or images. Sometimes I hear a phrase in a song that keeps repeating and I keep singing, so I sit with it and see how that fits in my own equation, what is this showing me about myself? I explore words and phrases for clarity and deeper understanding.
Animals You may see a cow three times, whether in real life or a picture, you may realize wow a cow keeps coming to my awareness. What does that represent? You may even dream about a cow.
To help intepret what animals represent look them up in the book Animal Spirit Guides by Steven D. Farmer PhD.
Dreams are one of the most powerful ways to get insights and messages. Upon awakening journal your dreams, not the whole story just the main points, for example, house, rainbow, pig. They may be random, or they may be connected and make sense. Then interpret your dreams either by journalling and asking for clarification, or looking them up in the book The Dream Book by Betty Bethard
Numbers are a language that holds insights and messages. I often get numbers as messages
a great resource on line is https://sacredscribesangelnumbers.blogspot.com/p/index-numbers.html
Songs can messages, a random song may pop into your head and you start singing. A few weeks ago I heard and started singing out aloud “Happiness, Happiness, the greatest thing that I possess. I thank my Soul that I possess, more than my share of Happiness’ a song I heard as a kid by Ken Dodd. The present situation was quite a downer, things were not going too well.. as soon as I started singing this the dynamics and energy of our group suddenly changed to fun. It was a great reminder of how to stay upbeat. All was ok, Ego was just complaining for a moment and it was a way to get out of Ego and appreciate where we were and how fortunate we were in that moment. Intuition can be communicating to help uplift you.
Body language can guide you to insights. Illness or injuries can show up. Communicating with your body can give you insights, listen to your body, if it aches pay attention, ask what it needs to restore balance and harmony. The book The Secret language of your Body by inna Segal is a great resource.
I know when my right kneee give me jip, something is about to change in my life, usually a major move, it could be physical or energetic. Currently my knee is bothering and trying to get my attention.
Soul whispers can be simplistic ways to guide you back to Happiness and keep you on track with your Soul purpose and mission. Soul whispers will help you find answers to your questions, inspire you to live your life from heart and Soul, give you access to infinite consciousness, possibilities, and potential, and will always communicate with you. Sometimes it is so subtle you miss the signs or messages.
I ask that my messages come through clear, with a clarity that I will understand. I get most of mine abstractly, through numbers, images, phrases, songs, journaling, dreams, and meditation.
Sometimes when people are in the shower or in nature they get most of their messages, everyone is different. Pay attention to when you receive your and how you receive them.
Messages will show up many times, or get louder. Illness is your body shouting at you, getting fired from a job, or a relationship ending can also be messages to pay attention and go within for answers.
Intuition is making conscious what is not conscious to you currently
Intuition creates conscious awareness.
5 What blocks us from receiving information?
Mostly Ego gets in the way of intuition. Ego operates on logic, it is dualistic, right wrong, big small. Ego is always trying to fit everything into tidy boxes. Always putting things away and storing information. If it is not logical it ignores it or discards it as NON-SENSE. Ego is important to us and has a role to play, but controlling us is not one of them. Having an open mind and learning to understand Ego is essential to allowing intuition to flow effortlessly.
Not logical – Soul helps you to make sense of the non sense and by trusting it, even though sometimes there is no logic, it will guide you for your highest purpose.
Beliefs and old programming or habits get in the way.
Past experiences, whether successful or unsuccessful can predetermine actions thus ignoring what intuition is communicating to you.
Ignoring the clues or messages because not paying attention or missing them completely.
NOT acting on the messages received.
Not trusting intuition or gut feelings in the moment.
Having a closed mind, not willing to be open to anything that is not tangible.
Influenced by others’ beliefs or a conflict of beliefs of others or your own.
Fear of making wrong choices, go with what appears to be logical.
Fear of being different from friends or family
Being too busy, getting caught up in daily dramas
Narrow-mindedness, not willing to explore new options
Impatience, giving up because you did not get an answer right away. Perhaps it is not time for it, when the time is right, when you are ready, the answers will show up.
EGO Logic makes a list of what ifs, would have could have should have. It second-guesses everything.
EGO always wants to be right and is self serving.
Ego competes and compares, it criticizes and judges.
EGO mind is head controling everything, ignoring intuition and gut instincts, Logic wins.
SOUL guides you lovingly, there may be some hard lessons to experience, and difficult situations to navigate in life but when you trust your soul, remember, you will always be guided for your highest good. There is always a silver lining to clouds, always an answer toSoul will always guide you to stay true to yourself, true to your life path, true to your life purpose and true to your mission. Life will become synchronistic and flow with ease and grace. You will always find your answers, go within and ask for guidance.
I work intuitively, I write intuitively and I speak intuitively. I allow words to flow through me as me.
Today for this podcast I began with Ego – my logic mind, I looked at the questions and began to work out how I would answer them. Then intuition took over and I began to write what I was guided to write.
I know when Ego is talking (Bossing – telling what to do) and when soul is speaking (Guiding me)
When I speak I cannot work scripted, I cannot have exactly what I am to say, I speak intuitively I allow the words to come through me in the moment. I have the concepts I am to talk about them tune in to my inner self to be guided by Soul when it is my turn to speak.
Practice, practice, practice.
There are many opportunities to practice tuning into your inner wisdom and opening your communication channels.
Being aware of Ego/Soul talk is a great help, being able to distinguish between the two energies. Many people ask how do I know if it is Ego or soul talking… that you have to practice for yourself.
Ego often feels heavy and fearful, demanding, or sharp.
Soul is a much lighter energy, that feels invigorating, exciting, motivating, energizing.
Fear and excitement have the same feelings, butterflies in the tummy. Pay attention are they butterflies or angry bees? Are they trying to get your attention to say something is not quite right?
Find out which of the clairs is your way of sensing, pay attention, do you hear the non physical, do you see beyond the phsyical etc.
I am mostly claircognizant, I get a knowing or understanding. I do not see spirits but I know they are present, I sometimes sense a presence or heat around my soulders. I sometimes say things with such conviction and directness that I know it is not me or Ego speaking. It is a very definite sentence, the tone of my voice will have subtle change.
Muscle Testing can guide you intuitively and validate a decision. By making statements, your body will recognize what is true for you.No second or third tries. Take the first response, as the first response is your intuition/soul speaking.
When making purchases, often you begin with Ego, what you want or don’t want, then all of a sudden your list goes out the window and you say “This is for me” it can happen when buying a house or car. All of a sudden it just feels right, it feels like that one, that’s your inner soul recognizing truth for you.
EASY FLOW LIVING – when you live an intuitively inspired life, life happens for you, life becomes synchronistic, and life flows with ease. You become a magnet for living your most authentic life filled with Joy, LOVE and abundance. Everything is aligned, you live your purpose and fulfill your mission.
Intuition brings clarity to everything, it helps you to realize for yourself what is true for you, it takes away the doubts and fears of what is best for you, as you learn to trust and surrender to your intuition to guide you.
EVOLVE WITH EASE – when you expand your awareness, learn your lessons, embrace your experiences, and gain your wisdom, you will evolve with ease. You meet every experience from a place of love, compassion, and understanding. You surrender and free yourself of being driven by EGO, remove all resistance, doubts, and fears to be able to live life “free to be you”
You become more self reliant, resilient and confident.
EMBODY YOUR TRUE SELF – when you become your true self, others no longer define you or control you; you make your own decisions aligned with your purpose and mission; make wise choices guided by your intuition; lead by example by walking your talk and inspiring others; trust your inner knowing to lead and guide you, surrender and allow life to flow to you. You become your true authentic self.
Aligned with your true authentic self, to fulfill your life mission
With clarity of who you are and how you can serve humanity
Authentically and with integrity
Trusting your inner voice and gut instincts to alert and guide you
With the ability to stay focused and live in the present moment, awake and aware
Standing strong in your own decisions, not defined or controlled by others
Being curious and asking questions for yourself and of yourself.
Surrendering and allowing life to flow with synchronicity, living with flow
Free to be yourself and to always be yourself unapologetically
Infused with inspiration, motivation, creativity and open to possibilities,
Experiencing and realizing your own true potential in this lifetime
Connected and comunicating with Source
Actioning the messages received from intuitive resources, through writing, meditaions, messages or Clues that show up in everyday life. It could be a song, poem, phrase heard,… anything
Listening to your inner voice not Ego
Recording your dreams and interpreting them
Paying attention to the present moment with expanded awareness and understanding
Being open to whatever life presents and accepting it as the perfect experience for you at this moment
Being aware of the 4 levels of consciousness To me, By me, Through me, and AS ME
Being aware of REIKI precepts, Just for Today and reading ENERGY of the moment and people
Trusting your own vibes and being able to sense the vibes around you to see if they are aligned.
Going within for answers, connecting to your Soul Spark, your inner self.
Knowing that what goes out has a ripple effect in the outside world.
Intuitive people are very conceptual, they have an easy way of explaining things.
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