Speaker information

Please take into consideration the following information
before contacting Hazel

Type of event

Reason for the Event

Why are you hosting this event, what is the purpose of this event

Is it a fundraiser, business, group, private function, paying function.

Date of event

Venue location, address

Length and type of presentation needed

How much lead time is there to prep for this event

How will the room be set up, speakers forum, casual, lunch tables set up, board room, home

# of people expected 

Are they paying to attend this event

Time lines for example, lunch 1-2pm speaker 2 -4 pm

Are there other speakers

Do you require a handout or some take away to give participants

What media facilities are available

Is there an opportunity to set up a table to promote Hazel or sell product

What are you offering as a speakers fee.

Will this be paid in advance


It is important that you give Hazel as much detail as possible to ensure your event is a success